
2018-07-25 21:34

个人史[personal history]

·出生于(出生地)[was born in (birthplace)]

·出生后一直生活[have lived in……(there) since birth]

·曾(未曾)去过北方[have (deny having) been to the north]

·受教育程度(文盲、小学、中学、大学)[educational level (illiterate, primary, middle, high grade)]

·业余爱好[hobby (be fond of, be keen of, interest)]

·从事……职业[be engaged in]

·卫生习惯和嗜好[health habit and special addiction]

·不洁性交(性行为)史[history of unclean coitus (sexual behavior)]

    ·不吸烟[ no smoking(not a smoker)]

·吸烟20年,每天2包[have smoked two packages of cigarette a day for 20 years]

·戒烟[give up (stop) smoking]

·戒烟[smoking abstinence (withdrawal)]

·不饮酒[no alcohol use]

·偶而少量饮酒[drink little liquor occasionally]

·过度饮酒[drink heavily (too much)]

·每天饮酒0.5公斤[drink (imbibe) about 0.5 kilogram a day]

·酒精性饮料[alcoholic beverage]

·偏食[food preference (particular with food)]

·无偏食[no likes or dislikes in food]

·偏爱……[have partiality for (showe favoritism to, be partial to, like)]
